Donnerstag, 10. August 2023


Ukraine verfolgt die eigenen Pazifisten

„Das ist komische Politik“, sagt Heiner Flassbeck.

Dirk Pohlmann: Der Fluch der bösen Tat – Hiroshima und Nagasaki

John Mearsheimer: Der Krieg in der Ukraine ist eine langfristige Gefahr (Deutsch)

Colonel Douglas McGregor’s Insight

Jimmy Dore’s Wikipedia Page Edited By CIA!

Mittwoch, 9. August 2023


Eine Audioaufnahme eines Gesprächs zwischen Joe Biden und Petro Poroschenko am 16. November 2016

Prof. Bhakdi stellt seinen Brandbrief vor

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Die Vision der Elite: „Eine Weltordnung, eine Weltsteuer und ein Weltgeld“ (Jim Rickards)

Impfschaden + so sieht »im Stich gelassen« dann ganz praktisch aus

Aufarbeitung Jetzt! Querdenken Demo Berlin 2023

alphaTrio | Es knallt: Digitaler Euro & BRICS | Dr. Markus Krall, Marc Friedrich & Dr. Barbara Kolm

General Wesley Clark (2007) – 7 Länder in 5 Jahren

Ende der US-Dominanz? Ein fataler Irrtum | Von Ernst Wolff

Wag the Dog | Das 3. Jahrtausend #94

Interview mit Dr. Daniel Beutler – “Können 100 Ärzte lügen?”

Dienstag, 8. August 2023


Dirk Pohlmann: Der Fluch der bösen Tat – Hiroshima und Nagasaki

Klaus Schwab und die Blutlinien der Illuminaten (The Reese Report – Deutsch)

Kayvan Soufi Siavash (Ken FM) komplette Rede in Berlin uncut

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Zwingt die WHO Mitgliedsstaaten zum Austritt? – Rede von James Corbett

Dr. West, der Präsidentschaftskandidat, den die Medien ignorieren, spricht über die Ukraine & Biden

Aktive Sonne, Mythen, Gesundheit, Kalte Sonne, Van Allen, Anomalie, Carrington

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Patrik Baab: „Wir benötigen eine Strategie gegen die Angst.“

Niederländischer Abgeordneter: Das totalitäre Pandemie-Abkommen darf nicht umgesetzt werden

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Exklusiv: Sacharowa beantwortet COMPACT-Frage

Absurd: ARD fälscht eigenes Interview (GEZ abschaffen?)

Nuklearer Irrsinn 78. Jahrestag des Atombombenangriffs auf Hiroshima

Sonntag, 6. August 2023


Umsetzung des RAND-Papiers | Von Thomas Röper 

Die EZB will sich nicht blamieren.

Konfrontation mit Russland und China um jeden Preis?

Nord Stream Pipelines mit thermonuklearer Bombe gesprengt?

Donnerstag, 3. August 2023


Die kommende Großdemonstration | Von Anselm Lenz

Die größte Show der Welt | Von Daniele Ganser

MARKmobil Aktuell – Das Horror-Labor

Zivilmilitarismus und Neozionismus in Israel

Gouverneur von Florida wird aufgefordert, alle mRNA-Impfstoffe als biologische Waffen zu verbieten

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In der Gnade der Grossbanken (The Reese Report – Deutsch)

Künstliche Intelligenz soll uns von der natürlichen Ordnung wegführen, sie ist Teil einer Religion

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Vera Lengsfeld: Der neue Totalitarismus der Blockparteien | Interview


Dr. Gunter Frank zu: Massnahmen hatten keinen Einfluß auf Infektionsgeschehen

Mike Adams: Man brauchte Menschen, um uns ins digitale Zeitalter und KI zu führen, jetzt nicht mehr

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Denk nach! Was hat sich verändert? – Wenn du willst. Ich erkläre es dir.

TikTok: Verdummung und Überwachungs-/Spionageapp

Petition: Keine Beteiligung der Schweiz und Österreichs am NATO-Luftverteidigungssystem „Sky Shield“

Das ist das letzte Mal, dass ich mich dazu äußere


Mittwoch, 2. August 2023


NEUER BERICHT: Zusammenarbeit des FBI mit der Ukraine zur Zensur von Amerikanern

100% Realtalk Podcast 156 | Kayvan S. Siavash | Ken.FM | „Demokratie“? | Feindbilder | Musik

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Europa steuert auf totalitäres Regime zu. Zensur ist völlig undemokratisch

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Französische Europaabgeordnete Virginie Joron: Neuer Vertrag für Pfizer: 2,6 Mrd. Dosen über 8 Jahre

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Elon, X und der Inbegriff eines Frontmanns (The Reese Report – Deutsch)

Gewalt im Sport: Die Impfungen erzeugen auch Gewalt und spalten die Gesellschaft. Teil VII – 7

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Interview mit Dr. Hannes Strasser – “Können 100 Ärzte lügen?”

Ex-Mitarbeiter des ukrainischen Geheimdienstes Wassili Prosorov packt aus über Kinderhandel zwischen Ukraine und Großbritannien (DEUTSCHE UNTERTITEL)

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Umsetzung des RAND-Papiers | Von Thomas Röper

Ist das das fortschrittlichste PROTEIN Deutschlands?

Trotz Einsatz der strategischen Reserven. Ukrainische Offensive komplett gescheitert

Kein Geld für Fleisch

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Dienstag, 1. August 2023


Die Wahrheit zur “Ablehnung“ der NATO-Mitgliedschaft der Ukraine mit Michael Tracey

BRICS-Währung: Wie geht es weiter mit dem US-Dollar?

Tacheles #114

MANOVA: Im Gespräch: „Die kommende Weltregierung“ (C. Gebauer, R. Holzeisen und G. Walterskirchen)

Daniele Ganser und Sucharit Bhakdi bei Remko Leimbach am Dinner mit Input.


Prof. Bhakdi: Fremdes Eiweiß in Millionen Zellen herstellen zu lassen ist gefährlich

Safe Blood – Das gefährliche Blut der COVID-Geimpften #SafeBlood


Dr. Gunter Frank zu: Verweigerung einer Untersuchung der Impfnebenwirkungen und die Folgen

Russische Trolle Vovan und Lexus pranken Alexandre De Rothschild

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KONTRAFUNK aktuell vom 31. Juli 2023. Die Einführung digitalen Zentralbankgeldes

Worldcoin: Eine Währung, um uns zu knechten?

Das große Panel: Guérot, Pürner, Krall, Vahrenholt, Saurugg, Friedrich

Montag, 31. Juli 2023


Dear readers,

Here in the Anti-Mainstream at you will find the most important information at a glance every day. 

Concentrating on the essentials saves you a lot of time and research effort. 

Bill Barr Promises To Jump Off a Bridge If Trump Wins GOP 2024 Nomination
The People's Voice
Former Attorney General Bill Barr has promised he will jump off a bridge if Trump wins the Republican 2024 presidential nomination. Barr, who has become a prominent Trump hater in recent times, told NBC News: [...] The post Bill Barr Promises To Jump Off a Bridge If Trump Wins GOP 2024 Nomination appeared first on The People's Voice.

Breaking: Russia Threatens Nuclear Retaliation Against Ukraine After Drone Strikes Major City Center in Moscow
"There is simply no other way out. Therefore, our enemies must pray to our warriors. They are making sure that a global nuclear fire is not ignited," says former Russian president Dmitri Medvedev.

Sunday Live: Drone Attack in Russia Indicates West Wants to Provoke WWIII Before Biden Up for Reelection
Owen Shroyer lays out how the globalist-captured West is determined to push the U.S. into direct global war with Russia to avoid a fair election in 2024 -- tune into this dire broadcast!

Trump Warns Squishy Republicans: Impeach Biden or Face Primary Challenges
"The radical lunatic Democrats, they impeach me, they indict me, they rig our elections. And the Republicans just don’t fight the way they're supposed to fight," says former president.

Ramaswamy: I Would Pardon Trump — ‘Clearly a Politicized Persecution’
"I think that the general norm in our Justice Department is you should not convict somebody of a process crime when there was no actual underlying crime," says GOP presidential candidate.

YouTube CENSORS O’Keefe-RFK Jr. Interview Over ‘Medical Misinformation’ — Watch it Here!
YouTube openly engaging in election interference by censoring Joe Biden's main Democrat challenger for 2024.

MSBNC Guest: Pardoning Trump Like Pardoning Osama bin Laden
One was the former president who lowered taxes, the other was a terrorist who masterminded the deaths of over 3,000 people.

Travis Scott & Pedo HOLLYWEIRD: They’re Coming For Our Children!
Rapper releases new album and has posted creepy photos of shirtless unhappy children with marks all over their bodies.

Democrats Are Beating Up RFK Jr. Over Vaccines – Why This Issue?
If the underlying issue is that RFK subscribes to conspiracy theories, it’s going to be hard to find other politicians to support.

Saudi Arabia to Host Ukraine Peace Talks — Without Russia
The West is trying to consolidate international support for Kiev’s peace demands, diplomats told the outlet.

Twitter X Reinstates Kanye West After Ban
Ye "won't be eligible to monetize his account on X, and advertisements won't appear next to his posts," citing a statement from the social media platform, reports the WSJ.

Big Pharma Exec Admits COVID Jabs Are Designed To ‘Kill White People’
The People's Voice
Have you wondered why some people seem perfectly fine after the COVID shot, whereas others are dropping dead or suffering debilitating injuries? Well, evidence has emerged that not everyone who rolled their sleeve up for [...] The post Big Pharma Exec Admits COVID Jabs Are Designed To ‘Kill White People’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

Scientists Confirm Your Personality ‘Drastically Alters’ After Getting COVID Jab
The People's Voice
Scientists have confirmed that mRNA vaccinations ‘drastically alter’ the personalities of recipients due extensive damage they do to the small capillaries in the brain. According to a shocking new report, mRNA jabs override the blood-brain [...] The post Scientists Confirm Your Personality ‘Drastically Alters’ After Getting COVID Jab appeared first on The People's Voice.

Massive Chinese Bioweapons Lab Discovered in Democrat-Controlled California
The People's Voice
A massive Chinese bioweapons laboratory has been discovered operating out of the Democrat-controlled state of California. Why would a bio-lab, tasked with creating weapons designed to kill Americans, be operating in Reedley, CA in the [...] The post Massive Chinese Bioweapons Lab Discovered in Democrat-Controlled California appeared first on The People's Voice.

Klaus Schwab’s Daughter: ‘Permanent Climate Lockdowns Coming – Whether You Like It or Not’
The People's Voice
The daughter of World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab has boasted that permanent ‘climate lockdowns’ are coming, whether people like it or not. According to Nicole Schwab, the COVID pandemic was a “tremendous opportunity” to [...] The post Klaus Schwab’s Daughter: ‘Permanent Climate Lockdowns Coming – Whether You Like It or Not’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

NASA: ‘Deadly Microwave Syndrome Is Skyrocketing Due to EMF Exposure’
The People's Voice
The rapid deployment of 5G and wireless technology has caused a massive outbreak of ‘microwave syndrome’ in humans, according to NASA. People are now more exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) than ever before, and the [...] The post NASA: ‘Deadly Microwave Syndrome Is Skyrocketing Due to EMF Exposure’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

US Surgeon General Directed Facebook To Censor True Information About Covid Jab Side Effects
The People's Voice
What many of us knew to be true at the time is finally being revealed. Following the recent Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, internal documents produced by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, reveal [...] The post US Surgeon General Directed Facebook To Censor True Information About Covid Jab Side Effects appeared first on The People's Voice.

Social Worker ‘Blacklisted’ Over Her ‘Critical’ Transgender Views
The People's Voice
Louise Chivers, a social worker with 25 years experience, has been told she cannot apply for more work after she questioned whether transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney was the right person to be modelling sports bras [...] The post Social Worker ‘Blacklisted’ Over Her ‘Critical’ Transgender Views appeared first on The People's Voice.

Farage: Small UK Businesses That Won’t Go Cashless Are Having Bank Accounts Shut Down
The People's Voice
Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage is campaigning on behalf of people whose bank accounts have been closed– and has launched a new website to tackle de-banking. Farage, who says he plans to “build a powerful [...] The post Farage: Small UK Businesses That Won’t Go Cashless Are Having Bank Accounts Shut Down appeared first on The People's Voice.

Russia is ready for confrontation with NATO – Putin
Moscow does not want a conflict with the Western-led bloc but is ready for any outcome, Russian president says

Former Intelligence Officer Claims ‘Non-Human Biological Remains’ Found By US Military
The People's Voice
US lawmakers have been hearing first-hand accounts of UFO sightings from former members of the military. According to former US Air Force intelligence officer David Grusch, the US government recovered non-human biological remains found in [...] The post Former Intelligence Officer Claims ‘Non-Human Biological Remains’ Found By US Military appeared first on The People's Voice.

15. Oktober 2024

Wie ist die Lage an der Front, Herr General? // Harald Kujat BKA: Dramatischer Anstieg von Sexualdelikten unter Kindern 19. Ostasiengipfel i...