Samstag, 22. Juli 2023



A World Economic Forum insider has blown the whistle and admitted the globalist’s number one goal is to implant CBDCs as a chip under the skin of every man, woman and child in the world – with or without their consent – and they will stop at nothing to achieve this aim.

According to Professor Richard Werner, the globalist elite have been carefully planning this attack on humanity for decades – and they are now preparing to drop a cluster munition in the heart of civil society to soften people up so they will accept the chip.

If anybody is qualified to talk about the evil agenda of the global elite, it’s Richard Werner. As a rising economist and WEF Young Global Leader in the early 2000s he was personally groomed by Klaus Schwab for a key role in the WEF.

NPR has launched an astonishing propaganda campaign against anyone who does not want to “eat the bugs” and fall in line with the globalist agenda to replace beef and nutritious protein with barely edible insects, crickets, and meal worms, which in addition to being tasteless, are toxic to the human body. 

Trump Urges Death Penalty for Human Traffickers Following ‘Sound of Freedom’ Screening
'I will urge Congress to ensure that anyone caught trafficking children, of course, our border receives the death penalty immediately.'

Same Globalist International “Court” Linked To Trump Indictment Has Warrant Out For Putin’s Arrest
Global elite engaging in clandestine warfare against populist leaders pushing back on NWO agenda

Daughter of J&J COVID-19 Vaccine Executive Dies Suddenly Following Seizures
10-year-old girl suffered fatal brain injury following bout of seizures.

NYC Subway Rider Robbed at Knifepoint by Mob of Men
At least seven suspects sought in brutal Big Apple robbery

France: Woman Butchered With Glass Bottles by African ‘Teens’ Who Disapproved of Her Dress
Suspects with extensive criminal histories arrested following vicious attack on 19-year-old

Globalist “Climate” Regulations Will Strangle Humanity Into Submission
The entire NWO playbook is scripted and open to the public

WEF Young Global Leader Admits Global Elite’s Ultimate Goal Is ‘CBDC Under the Skin’
The People's Voice
A World Economic Forum insider has blown the whistle and admitted the globalist’s number one goal is to implant CBDCs as a chip under the skin of every man, woman and child in the world [...] The post WEF Young Global Leader Admits Global Elite’s Ultimate Goal Is ‘CBDC Under the Skin’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

President Trump Vows To Introduce Death Penalty for All Pedophiles and Child Traffickers in America
The People's Voice
After watching anti-child trafficking movie Sound of Freedom earlier this week, former President Trump has vowed to introduce the death penalty for all pedophiles and child traffickers if he gets another term in office. “When [...] The post President Trump Vows To Introduce Death Penalty for All Pedophiles and Child Traffickers in America appeared first on The People's Voice.

Democrat Satanic Couple Arrested for Raping Two Young Boys Found Covered in Feces & Blood
The People's Voice
A disturbing story out of Wisconsin recently has left many Americans in shock. A Democrat couple were arrested after their young children were seen walking through a neighborhood covered in feces and blood. The parents [...] The post Democrat Satanic Couple Arrested for Raping Two Young Boys Found Covered in Feces & Blood appeared first on The People's Voice.

Jim Caviezel Says Trump Will Help Dismantle World’s Biggest Pedophile Ring
The People's Voice
Jim Caviezel has revealed that President Trump has vowed to help take down the world’s biggest pedophile ring, after Trump screened Caviezel’s new movie Sound of Freedom on Wednesday. Speaking to Fox News host Brian [...] The post Jim Caviezel Says Trump Will Help Dismantle World’s Biggest Pedophile Ring appeared first on The People's Voice.

Fox News Insiders Reveal Network Secretly Funds Satanic Temple and Planned Parenthood
The People's Voice
Insiders at Fox News revealed that the network is secretly funding the Satanic Temple, LGBT activist organization The Trevor Project, Planned Parenthood, and the SPLC. Two Fox News whistleblowers and a former producer told The [...] The post Fox News Insiders Reveal Network Secretly Funds Satanic Temple and Planned Parenthood appeared first on The People's Voice.

Normalizing Total Tyranny: Watch the Left Gaslight Their Way Into Destroying the 1st Amendment
With the entire media landscape protecting them, the political establishment can lie about anything

Man hating propaganda.

Human Trafficking, Mind Control and the CIA
We need to be focused on the disease if we ever want to end this

The Free Speech Scare
It was oddly strange to hear the voice of wise statesmen in that hothouse culture of infantile corruption: it reminded the public just how far things have fallen.

COLLAPSE of Dollar-based International Monetary System Now IRREVERSIBLE
Health Ranger Mike Adams shares cutting-edge insight on the economy & more.

Want to Follow Your Dreams? The First Step Involves Hard Work
Always remember to make your dream a reality by ignoring unproductive elements.

Video: Angry Mother Taking Baby to Hospital Confronts Climate Activists Blocking Her Car
Desperate mother with newborn baby pleads with leftist eco-protesters to let her through road blockade.

Ukraine Begins Firing US Cluster Bombs At Russian Troops, Kirby Touts ‘Quite Effective’ Use
"We have gotten some initial feedback from the Ukrainians, and they're using them quite effectively," says national security spokesman John Kirby

Whoopi Goldberg MELTS DOWN Over Aldean Song, Says BLM Rioters Were ‘Taking Care of Their Towns’
The People's Voice
Black Lives Matter protesters who caused billions of dollars worth of damage to private property in cities and towns across America were not engaged in mindless acts of violence and destruction, according to Whoopi Goldberg, [...] The post Whoopi Goldberg MELTS DOWN Over Aldean Song, Says BLM Rioters Were ‘Taking Care of Their Towns’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

Arson? Sen. Rand Paul’s Office Destroyed By Fire
Photos circulating online show conservative US senator's office building engulfed in flames.

Friday LIVE: White House Witness Patrick Byrne Drops MAJOR Jan 6 Bombshells on Jack Smith, More – TUNE IN NOW
Alex Jones is LIVE right now taking YOUR calls & delivering full-spectrum coverage of breaking news and exclusive information!

Kiev Threatens to Sink Civilian Ships Bound for Russia
Warning comes after Moscow de-facto re-imposed naval blockade of Ukraine

Florida Crackdown on Employment of Illegal Aliens Is Working – Mainstream Media Horrified
Immigration labor law is being enforced in Florida. That’s good for Florida, good for America.

Hundreds of Drugged Migrants Found in Abandoned Trailer In Mexico
The People's Voice
Mexican authorities blocked more than 500 migrants last weekend from being transported to the US including more than 200 who were found forcibly drugged inside an abandoned trailer The Central American migrants, who’d been drugged [...] The post Hundreds of Drugged Migrants Found in Abandoned Trailer In Mexico appeared first on The People's Voice.

John Kirby Thinks Biden’s Incoherent Mumbling To Israeli President “Was Very, Very Clear!”
The People's Voice
National Security Council spokesman John Kirby cannot understand why Americans are concerned with President Biden’s constant mumbling and claims his speech to Israeli President Issac Herzog was “very very clear”. Kirby told Fox News’s Martha [...] The post John Kirby Thinks Biden’s Incoherent Mumbling To Israeli President “Was Very, Very Clear!” appeared first on The People's Voice.

Author & Journalist Helen Joyce Explains How Trans Ideology Spreads
The People's Voice
Irish journalist Helen Joyce has been causing quite a stir. YouTube recently removed her conversation with Jordan Peterson ((due to vague accusations of “hate speech” and “inciting violence”) and the BBC doesn’t invite her on [...] The post Author & Journalist Helen Joyce Explains How Trans Ideology Spreads appeared first on The People's Voice.

“I Couldn’t Resist The Children”: What On Earth Is Biden Going On About?
The People's Voice
Joe Biden has made many gaffes but what on Earth is this all about? During an event on Wednesday where he was supposed to be discussing lowering prices for consumers, Biden started talking about not [...] The post “I Couldn’t Resist The Children”: What On Earth Is Biden Going On About? appeared first on The People's Voice.

15. Oktober 2024

Wie ist die Lage an der Front, Herr General? // Harald Kujat BKA: Dramatischer Anstieg von Sexualdelikten unter Kindern 19. Ostasiengipfel i...